Contact the webmaster
This site was made to allow general public to
better know the work of Marguerite Noirel and also for those who
follow her career to be regularly informed of what she's up to.
I've made this site because I appreciate
Marguerite and her work.
However, I'm not a specialist in the creation of
Internet site, and I know this site is far from perfect.
Thus, if you have a remark about this site, an
idea to ameliorate it, or if you had difficulties when you visited it,
just tell me by clicking on my e-mail adress below.
I'll answer to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for your visit and have a good surf .....
Hervé Pagenelle / creator of the site and webmaster
This page belongs to the Marguerite Noirel's website. This french artist realise contemporary art sculpturs. She works in Paris and in Puy-de-Dôme (Auvergne).